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Undergraduate Research Week and the Undergraduate Research & Creativity Showcase are brought to you by the Undergraduate Research Centers in collaboration with the Undergraduate Science Journal and the Aleph: Undergraduate Research Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences.

UCLA students who conduct undergraduate research and creative inquiry can explore and define their career path before graduation, allowing them to adjust and pivot based on new interests or discovered strengths. Undergraduate Researchers gain a distinct advantage when applying to jobs or graduate school. With references from UCLA’s world-renowned faculty mentors in hand, UCLA student researchers graduate with endorsements related to their intellectual abilities, practical skills, and academic potential.

Participation in research or creative activity can help students find their niche on campus which can sometimes seem overwhelming. Relationships developed through trial, error, and sustained work together bring a lifelong sense of community to research groups, labs, and teams.

Giving to the Undergraduate Research Centers provides these opportunities and more for students participating in this program and supports this group of undergraduate researchers and beyond.



A Special Thank You from the URC's

UCLA’s Undergraduate Research Centers would like to give a special thank you to the individuals and groups below.

Dr. Richard L. Weiss Not only is Dick an Emeritus of UCLA through his work in establishing the Undergraduate Research Centers, but he is also a supporter of the program, establishing an endowed scholarship, the Richard L. Weiss Undergraduate Research Quasi-Endowment, that supports current research students at UCLA, ultimately helping them achieve their research and career aspirations.
Dr. Brandon Koretz, MD, MBA, Chair Dr. Koretz attended the University of California at Berkeley and graduated with high honors and a B. A. in Psychology. He subsequently obtained his M.D. from the University of California at San Francisco. After moving back to Los Angeles, he took a residency in Internal Medicine and a fellowship in Geriatric Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles. After joining the faculty at UCLA, he completed the California Healthcare Foundation Leadership Training Program through UCSF, the Lean Healthcare certification through the University of Michigan, and an MBA at the Anderson School of Management at UCLA. Dr. Koretz’s primary clinical interests include comprehensive Geriatric Assessment and consultation as well as serving as the primary care provider for his panel of patients. His educational interests include teaching clinical Geriatrics, communication, customer service, and leadership. His efforts were recognized with the Eby Award for the Art of Teaching/Distinguished Teaching Award in 2012. Dr. Koretz has held a number of administrative positions at UCLA including four terms as the President of the Department of Medicine Professional Group and the Interim CEO/President of the Faculty Practice Group. He currently serves on the Committee on Development and the Legislative Assembly for the UCLA Academic Senate.

The UCLA Students and Faculty who have provided images for our Undergraduate Research Week Web Pages

Matilde Miranda

Ken Nguyen and Dr. Larry Zipursky

Jorge Cardenas and Dr. Jose Rodriguez

Logan Roberts and Dr. David Krantz

URC Faculty Advisory Boards

The Faculty Advisory Boards for URC-HASS and URC-Sciences are made up of faculty who serve as leaders of undergraduate research programs. The boards discuss program updates, funding, and Undergraduate Research Week. We are grateful for their valuable input and help in supporting the mission of Undergraduate Research Centers to promote, develop, and celebrate undergraduate student research.

Undergraduate Research Center – Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Faculty Advisory Board
Leisy Abrego, PhD Associate Professor, Chicana/o and Central American Studies
Jacquelyn Ardam, PhD Assistant Director, URC-HASS
Whitney Arnold, PhD Director, URC-HASS
Allison Benedetti Director, Arts, Music, and Powell Libraries
Samantha Booras Assistant Director of Development, Division of Undergraduate Education
Aomar Boum, PhD Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies & Associate Professor, Anthropology
Lowell Gallagher, PhD Chair & Professor, English
Jinyong Hahn, PhD Chair & Professor, Economics
Tama Hasson, PhD Director, URC-Sciences & Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Research
Alice Ho, PhD Director, Academic Advancement Program (AAP)
Jaana Juvonen, PhD Professor, Psychology
Kelly Kistner, PhD Assistant Director, URC-HASS
Michael Lofchie, PhD Professor, Political Science
Muriel McClendon, PhD Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion & Associate Professor, History
Joy McKee, MBA, ACFRE Director of Development, Division of Undergraduate Education
Sean Metzger, PhD Vice Chair of Undergraduate Studies & Professor, Theater
Patricia Wickman, PhD Professor, Art
Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences Faculty Advisory Board
Charles Alexander, PhD Director, Academic Advancement Program (AAP)
Jacquelyn Ardam, PhD Director, URC-HAAS
Jorge Avila, PhD Assistant Director, URC-Sciences
Malorie Barbee Assistant Dean of Development, Undergraduate Education
Paul Barber, PhD Faculty Director, PEERS
Samantha Booras Assistant Director of Development, Division of Undergraduate Education
Rob Candler, PhD Faculty Director, SMC/UCLA SSRP
Ira Clark, PhD Associate Director, Biomedical Research Minor
John Colicelli, PhD Faculty Director, i2URP
Paula Diaconescu, PhD Faculty Director, Claire Booth Luce Scholars Program
Timothy Fisher, PhD Faculty Director, UC LEADS
David Gray, PhD Assistant Director, URC-Sciences
Monica Gonzalez Ramirez, PhD Assistant Director, URC-Sciences
Tama Hasson, PhD Director, URC-Sciences & Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Research
Richard Kaner, PhD Faculty Director, Beckman Scholars
Brandon Koretz, MD, MBA Co-Chief of Geriatric Medicine, Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA
Beth Lazazzera, PhD Faculty Director, Amgen Scholars
Megan McEvoy, PhD Faculty Director, MARC
Ni, Ni, PhD Faculty Director, Claire Boothe Luce Scholars Program
Keith Norris, MD, PhD Professor, Medicine
Maylen Perez Diaz, PhD Medical Science Liaison, Biogen
Gina Poe, PhD Faculty Director, MARC
Greg Pottie, PhD Professor, Computer and Electrical Engineering and Associate Dean
Margot Quinlan, PhD Chair, IMSD & Faculty Director, BISEP
Veronica Santos, PhD Faculty Director, Claire Booth Luce Scholars Program