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Frequently Asked Questions


My research or creative project isn’t complete. Can I still participate in the Showcase?
Yes. Students can share research or creative projects at every stage of the research process. If your project is still underway, you can focus on next steps or anticipated results instead of final results in your presentation.

Can I edit my Showcase application after I submit it?
Yes. Email before 5 p.m. on April 15. Your application submission will be returned to you on MyUCLA, and you can then edit and resubmit your application before the deadline.

You will also have the opportunity to review your abstract or artist statement submission after the April 15 deadline. Edits to your abstract or artist statement are due by 11:59 p.m. on April 17.

Can you send me the Abstract and Artist Statement Workshop slides?
Yes. Email to request a copy of the workshop slides, and specify if you would like the slides for Humanities, Arts, and Social Science students or Life Science, Physical Science, and Engineering students.

My abstract or artist statement contains intellectual property not suitable for public view. Can I withhold it from publication on the Undergraduate Research Week website?
Yes. Email by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 14, to withhold all or part of your abstract or artist statement from public view. Your name and major will still be published on the website.

Can I submit a group project?
Yes. You can apply to share a group project at the Showcase, and you can enter up to five presenters in the Showcase application. Only one person should submit an application on behalf of your group.

Can we add a sixth presenter to our group project?
Yes. Email with the sixth presenter’s first and last name, email, and UID by 5 p.m. on April 15.

Can I share two projects at the Showcase?
Yes. Email with your first and last name and your UID by 5 p.m. on April 15, and we will open up the second application survey for you.

Can I share the same project as both a livestreamed presentation and a recorded presentation or creative exhibit/multimedia?
No. You can only share your project through one presentation format, and will not be able to share the same project multiple times.

I’m graduating before spring quarter. Can I still present at the Showcase?
Yes, you can present at the Showcase if you graduated in Winter 2025 and apply to participate in the Showcase before the end of winter quarter. However, if you graduated before Winter 2025, you are not eligible to participate in the Showcase unless you are a co-presenter on a group project.

Dean's Prize

I want to apply to the Dean’s Prize for Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, but I also want to give a livestreamed presentation.
Applicants for the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Dean’s Prize must share a recorded presentation or a creative exhibit or multimedia, so you will need to decide between sharing a livestreamed presentation and applying to be judged for the Dean’s Prize.

Can I submit multiple Dean’s Prize applications?
No. You can only submit one Dean’s Prize application total, even if you are sharing two projects.

Can I apply for a Dean’s Prize if I already graduated?
Yes. If you graduated in Winter 2025, you can still apply for the Dean’s Prize.

Can I apply to the Dean’s Prize for the Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Engineering as a junior with senior standing?
We are only accepting Dean’s Prize applications from seniors who are graduating between Winter 2025 and Fall 2025. If you are graduating during Winter 2025 and Fall 2025, you are not eligible to apply for this year’s Dean’s Prize, but you can apply to participate in the Showcase and be judged for a Dean’s Prize during the 2025-2026 academic year.


If you don’t see the answer to your question here, email us at