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Critical Virtual Media Literacy in Praxis: Final Digital Multimedia Student Productions

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Thursday, May 26, 2022
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


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Given that most students and many others, including children, spend the majority of their waking life online, we must become literate in the complex discourses of theory and practices of media and digital literacies. The Critical Virtual Media Literacy in Praxis: Final Digital Multimedia Student Productions panel is comprised of students who were enrolled in a Gender Studies course that focused on multiple dimensions of the radically expanding virtual multimedia culture, politics of representations, and the use of media and digital technologies to engage issues of contemporary relevance. Hence in this panel students  provide examples of producing virtual digital media  through presentations of their own projects which illustrate how students can use media and digital technologies to present their own views of significant issues and concerns of the present age.

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Directors: Ili Levine, Tara Blossom, Zoe Nelson, Connor Brain
Writers: Ili Levine, Tara Blossom, Connor Brain, Zoe Nelson
Editors: Ili Levine, Tara Blossom
Voiceover: Zoe Nelson
Interviews: Ili Levine, Connor Brain, Tara Blossom, Zoe Nelson Cinematography: Ili Levine
Running Time: 10 min 16 sec

What is the role of mainstream media in shaping queer identities? What is its impact on queer adolescence?  How do queer stories on screen impact the way LGBT youth see themselves? In this documentary, we explore the portrayal of queer identities within film and television through the retelling of our own experiences and the analysis of the media that shaped our perception of ourselves.

Hip Hop Mavens: The Message Behind the Music

Produced by: Dana Salah and Diana (Rivera) Bostic,
Edited by:  Dana Salah
Running Time: 4 min 07 secm

This documentary explores the lyrics, images and messages of female hip hop artists throughout the decades, from the 1990s to present day. Seen through the eyes of Diana, a 90s kid and hip hop fan, we examine this music genre and the evolution of its overall message from messages of struggle, unity and peace to graphic sexual lyrics and scandalous image.

The Influence of TikTok on Fast Fashion and Trend Cycles

Editor, Narrator, Music:   Lauren Mittleman
B-Roll, Graphic Design:  Aliya Ghoreichi
B-Roll:  Madi Logan
Assistant Producer:  Mona Qrib
Assistant Producer: Nina Corbett
Running time: 7:39

The Influence of TikTok on Fast Fashion and Trend Cycles investigates how Social Media has detrimentally changed the way society produces, consumes, and understands fashion. Online Chinese retailer SHEIN and others like it have detrimentally affected the environment for economic gain that comes at the expense of disadvantaged populations. Find out how social media, TikTok specifically, contributes to this issue, and what you can do to help reverse fast fashion’s devastating impact.

Goodbye Chinatown?

Written and produced by: Amanda Mak
Interviewee: Eunice Ko
Running Time 9:22

Goodbye Chinatown? sheds light on the ways that the historical Chinatown in the Lower East Side of Manhattan has begun to lose its land and residents to gentrification. The rates of gentrification have only increased during the pandemic, as anti-Asian sentiment and the recession has caused many stores, restaurants, and small businesses to shut their doors, leaving their land open for grabs. However, long-time residents and supporters of Chinatown are actively resisting through protests, art, and preservation of culture. This film highlights the ways in which this resistance is being spearheaded by the younger generations in Chinatown, who seek to safeguard their childhoods and family ties to the iconic cultural hub.

Animal Crossing: New Horizon (2020):  A Critical Decoding

Created by:  Illeana Bellow, Gyasti Averia and Luna Gibbels

Our project critically decodes  particular dimensions Animal Crossing: New Horizon (2020), a social simulation game from Nintendo. In it we will employ a multimedia analysis of the ways in which consumerism and the Covid-19 pandemic contribute to the popularization of the game. Although Animal Crossing is touted for its escapist nature and gender inclusivity, it is important to explore the settler-colonial and capitalist themes found in the gameplay.